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Ms. fryz 's experamenal blog
Friday, 4 January 2008
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: nothing (yet)
Topic: superjail!

yo, sorry i didnt get to tybe my blog until after holidays, but then i just got lazy.Cool getting back to school will be a drag, but i'll see my friends again and know what happened over the winter!and the sssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!

God. btw,new on my fav tv tyme, [Adultswim], is Superjail, a show about an strange man named the warren, jail guard Alice, and spaz Jared who live and breathe in a super gay huge jail created by the warren, who said the world couldn't take the superjail, so he locked it up in a suclude location. swear words, butts, and gore, superjail rated MA for 44 always starts at 11:00.

first air time: adultswim's  'night of a 1000 promos'

Air time for real show: Sunday at  11:30 july 6 (Cry)

Posted by crazyfrenchfryz at 2:32 PM EST
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